The Synergy

AicroStrategy's model creates a virtuous cycle:

  1. Investors provide stablecoins, acquiring bonds with the potential to convert to $AiSTR.

  2. AicroStrategy uses the raised funds to buy Bitcoin, which is held within the onchain treasury, hence growing the treasury’s overall value.

  3. As Bitcoin appreciates, it should theoretically increase the value of $AiSTR. This benefits both the protocol and any bondholders who convert to $AiSTR tokens after the price hits the conversion strike price upon maturity.

  4. Leveraging DeFi Strategies: Once the first batch of bonds is issued and Bitcoin is acquired, the AI agents actively monitor the markets. The protocol will employ strategies such as looping (i.e., supplying Bitcoin to a lending platform → borrowing stablecoins → buying more Bitcoin → supplying and repeating) to continuously grow the treasury while managing risk through the help of these AI agents. The agent adjusts key parameters based on market signals and risk tolerance, to create a perpetual cycle of Bitcoin accumulation.

While most Bitcoin accumulation strategies are static, AicroStrategy introduces active treasury management through AI-driven DeFi strategies. This active approach—where Bitcoin is used to leverage further Bitcoin, ensures that the treasury doesn't just grow with Bitcoin's market price, but actively multiplies in an automated, efficient way.

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